Archive for the tag: Abdominal

An Approach to Acute Abdominal Pain

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An overview of the etiologies and diagnostic evaluation of acute abdominal pain, including a discussion of the surgical abdomen.

Also included are the illness scripts for gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer disease, small bowel obstruction, appendicitis, pancreatitis, biliary colic, cholecystitis, cholangitis, and acute hepatitis.
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Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD-Mayo Clinic

Many people have symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, often called acid reflux. This video shows how the esophagus works and how acid can splash into the esophagus because of a hiatal hernia or weakness of the valve called the lower esophageal sphincter. Mayo Clinic has a very large team with an international reputation for its skill in diagnosing and treating reflux, Barretts esophagus and esophagus cancer. For more information, go to the Mayo Clinic website,
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Pregnancy Tips : Treating Abdominal Itching During Pregnancy

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Abdominal itching during pregnancy is the stretching of the skin, as well as the hormones of pregnancy. Have your abdominal itching treated properly with tips from a certified nurse-midwife in this free video on pregnancy symptoms.

Expert: Michelle Collins
Bio: Michelle Collins has more than 20 years of experience in the field of maternal-child health, first as a labor, delivery and pediatric nurse, and currently as a certified nurse-midwife.
Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge

What should I do if I'm pregnant and itching?

PUPPS is a condition where red bumps or hives appear on the surface of the skin, and this usually happens in the 3rd trimester. And it is a huge nuisance, because it can cause severe itching. It usually starts on the abdomen, and it can spread to the thighs, and the buttocks, and even the breasts. And so if you’ve noticed this, talk with your OB provider, and they’ll talk to you more about it. In fact, if you’ve had itching in pregnancy that’s not just like “My belly is stretching and growing” itchiness from dry skin, you should always bring it up with your doctor, because there are a few different conditions that they’ll consider. One is PUPPS, and if there’s an obvious rash on the skin, then this may be what they diagnose it as. They make this diagnosis after asking you more specific questions and performing an exam.

There’s another condition that can cause itching called cholestasis, and this is actually itching coming from your blood. There is no evidence of rash on your skin and it causes severe itching. And the danger with this is that it’s caused by elevated bile acid levels, and these can actually cross the placental barrier, and affect the fetus, and cause stillbirth, because it affects their heart’s ability to pump. And so again, this is why it’s always best to bring it up with your doctor, and after asking more specific questions and performing an exam, they’ll decide if further investigation or intervention is necessary.

Now, if you have PUPPS, you’re probably wondering what you can do to manage it. And it usually goes away shortly after delivery, but until then, your doctor will recommend creams and different things to help alleviate the discomfort associated with the itching. And there’s really nothing else you can do. Your diet won’t affect You didn’t do anything to cause it. So if you have more specific questions, ask your doctor. And if you have more questions for me in the future, feel free to ask them on our Facebook page at, and recommend us to your friends and family too.
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